How To Make Chicken Feed Pellet For Layers
Animal performance and feed efficiency benefit from good quality feed pellets. The better the pellet, the better the performance. Reduced waste, less segregation in the animal feed pellets , improved palatability , and shorter eating periods-all of these feed pellet merits are brought by animal feed machine . Fusmar M achinery is a reliable feed pellet mill manufacturer and supplier, which is offering a wide range of feed making equipment including diesel feed equipment, electric feed machinery. animal feed machine Brief P roduction P rocess O f M aking C hicken F eed P ellets F or L ayers 1. Crushing: C rush ed raw materials by hammer mill type feed crusher to get fine grinded ingredients. 2. Mixing : A ll of the ingredients are mixed in a feed pellet mixer for a period of time to get a uniform mix. Then a moist, cohesive mash was obtained at the end of the final mixing. 3. Pelletizing: A fter mixing, the mash was...