Things You Need To Know Feed Ingredients
Feed ingredients are broadly classified into cereal grains, protein meals, fats and oils, minerals, feed additives, and miscellaneous raw materials, such as roots and tubers. These will be discussed in separate headings below. More information on measuring the nutrient composition of ingredients and the process of formulating poultry feeds is available in the section on feed formulation. Zhengzhou Fusmar Machinery is a professional animal feed machine manufacturer. animal feed machine Cereal G rains The term “cereal gains” here includes cereal grains, cereal by-products , and distillers dr ied grains with solubles. Cereal grains are used mainly to satisfy the energy requirement of poultry. The dominant feed grain is corn, although different grains are used in various countries and regions of the world. Of course, in reality, a poultry feed pellet manufacturer will use any grain in a poultry diet if it is available at a reasonable price. ...