How To Make Livestock Feed With A Pellet Mill Machine

Livestock feed pellets are a type of feed with a combination of several raw materials including cereals, seeds, various forms of straws, legumes, minerals and vitamins and additives for preservation and making the feed palatable. There are many ways to make livestock feed pellets, but the most easy and convenient is using the pellet mill machine . Below is detailed process of how to make livestock feed with a pellet mill. Preparation O f R aw M aterials Raw materials are prior stored in silos or tanks for effective preservation. This stage involves assembling, weighing, crushing , and mixing of ingredients. Note that the choice of ingredients should be guided by the need of your livestock and nutritionists input. Weigh the ingredients according to the formula given, design and the size of the pellet mill machine. Initial C rushing The second stage involves mixing of ingredients in a pellet mill. The materials are crushed using a feed hammer mill . The process results...